The links below should take you to a few of the websites I have found useful when working out how to cooking for the food intolerances within our family. I am not a scientist so I cannot comment on how reliable or otherwise any of this information is, other than to say that it has worked for us thus far.
I intend to add to this page over the coming weeks. Feel free to suggest additional links but, when doing so, please also let me know if you have a personal interest in the site in question.
So far as I am aware, Monash University in Australia were at the forefront of identifying FODMAPs as a collective source of food intolerance. They have made a lot of their research available and a good place to start may be:
You should be able to find an increasing number of website which list the foods to avoid if sensitive to FODMAPs, for example
This blog will, of course, be one of the increasing number of sites suggesting how to come up with family meals using the foods that are OK to consume.
This is one of the few intolerances that can be tested for. See for more information about the symptoms and if and how to seek a formal diagnosis within the UK.
There are lots and lots of dairy free recipe website out there - too many to recommend other than our perennial favourite which has never yet let me down.
Set introductory eating patterns (aka diets) are big business at the moment. I am personally not a huge fan of anything labelled 'diet', mainly because, like so many other people, my brain seemed to be wired to equate 'diet' with 'deprivation'. Also, as someone who has just started to dip a toe in the no added sugar water, it seems to me that some of the information doing the rounds at present is contradictory and/or skips over certain information. (Potatoes, for example: nobody seems to mentioned them).
Instead, I will devote an area of this blog (if I work out how!) devoted to explaining how I am approaching the no added sugar challenge and sharing my progress, good and bad
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